Venture Capital, Family Office, CVC and Angel Investor Database
Foundersuite offers one of the largest and most comprehensive investor databases available anywhere. Priced competitively, it represents maximum value for your money.

216,000 global investors at your fingertips
Search a proprietary database of VC firms, family offices, strategic investors, fund-of-funds, PE firms, LPs, lenders, and more. Also access 150,000 individual angels and HNW investors, as well as several thousand angel groups, incubators and accelerators. With one click, add qualified prospects to your investor pipeline.
Build your investor funnel in minutes, not days.
Advanced search and filtering
Search by Name or Keyword to add individuals or firms. Search by Type to filter by Venture Capital, Family Office, Angel, Fund of Funds, etc. Search by Industry to find investors who focus on your market. Search by Location such as City Name to find local investors.
Search and find your future investors.

Details Details Details
Open the Detailed View page for each investor and get access to their description, contact information (email and phone), list of previous deals, stage and sector focus. View their Twitter feed and click through to their Webpage, Blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
Simply put, it’s the fastest way to build your target list.